Monday, February 14, 2022

Genre Research: A Quite Place 2

 Sounds/ Angles

The movie "Quite Place 2" uses Medium long shots to capture the scenes where it is mainly dark.  In many of the shots, the camera was constantly moving to show tension within the scene and show a normal life can become dangerous in a matter of seconds. They used lots of diegetic sounds to add suspense and testing within each shot. The lack of sound and also the use of small sounds really created a major effect within the film. Many long shots and medium shots were used to show their journey and their struggles. Those angles would show them gathering together and them running away. There were a few over-the-shoulder angles to show a POV of what the characters were experiencing. 


When it came to costumes they wore a lot of rugged clothing and worn-out clothes. 


They used a lot of dark lighting to show them at night or them hiding from the creatures. 

Elements of Genre: 

The genre is Horror/Thriller in the film

We liked the elements of sound in the film because it really added suspense in the film and tension. 

The elements in the genre that didn't appeal to us were the very dark lighting in some of the shots.

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